Monday 7 January 2013

Weekly Sum Up (and a bit more) #2

Ok guys i know its been a while since i last posted but ive had a lot happen and been away without access to a PC over the holidays so lets do this.

Before Xmas i had a couple of job interviews which led me to getting a job that was due to start yesterday, so i planned to spend the holidays with family and to see the friends back home too, all that went well until last Saturday when i was informed that the job was canceled due to "lack of staff to train us" after hearing this was downhearted but there are bigger fish in the see.

But its not all doom and gloom over the holidays i got back in contact with old friends and it was nice to speak to them again.

Over then the obvious new year which i ended up bieng sober for thats pretty much everything. and while new year was spent sober the night before wasn't, spent that with a few friends and had a merry time =D

And thats all for now, i hope to keep up with posting through the new year and do some more game reviews soon too


Saturday 8 December 2012

Weekly Sum Up #1

Hey there lady's and gentlemen  it is i and i am here today to tell you about my wonderful week and what made it so wonderful!.

Lets start with the fact i had a job interview on and even though i was nervous as hell i think i managed to pull off a calm controlled presentation, wore my nice suit which by the way are stupidly expensive, you have to buy a suit to get a job but with prices nowadays you need a job to get a suit :(, anyway i digress the point i wanted to make was it went better then i expected and i should find out more about the results of said interview sometime next week so wish me luck!

And next il move onto my gaming parts of the week, i have started to play Empire total war again, originally i thought i had lost it but steam remembered its tied to my account and let me download and install it! great start to the week that was, also renewed my WoW membership and im so close to level 90, there's just so much i want to do on that game at the moment xD.

And saving the best game this week for last, Munchkin!
Bet you didn't see a board game coming did you ;) Munchkin is my latest addition to my games and it does not let you down, took me and my housemates 5-10 mins to read the rules and as the game went on we understood the rules better and just had a great time, that great that il be playing it again next week and then posting a review about it!

And that's pretty much my week summed up. So catch you guys later.


Sunday 2 December 2012

Review {Call Of Duty – Black Ops}

Hi there ladies and gents, today I will be reviewing the game Call Of Duty – Black Ops. Yes I realize its been out a while and most of you may of played or even just seen it here and there but that’s because the Call Of Duty range is well known and well liked by the majority of gamers. Well let’s start with a look at the campaign, we start off in a room and the character is tied to the chair you’re sat in with voices over the intercom it gives an interrogation effect, using this interrogation viewpoint it takes your character through the whole story via flashbacks which you actually play through. Personally I prefer a free roam story but with this type of game I suppose a simple story is needed to help guide the player through it. Overall graphics are ok maybe a 8/10 and most movements within the game are smooth.

The Multiplayer is a whole different story it offers a wide variety of game play options from normal Team Death match which is just team vs team or a whole set of objective based games like headquarters for example which is just capture and hold a location for longer then the other team, there are also hardcore versions of most game types (less bullets required to kill someone – not for the guys and girls who rage and dying easily :P ). In my opinion I prefer Hardcore as it gives more of a challenge to stay alive and gives a more real life perspective if you get shot it will hurt and get a few bullets chances are it will kill you.

Like with Call of Duty – World at War they have brought back Zombie mode which is basically defend yourself against waves of zombies and get points for killing them which in turn you buy on weapons and perks to help you achieve more kills and give you a fighting chance.

The following Downloadable content is available for the Xbox 360 version (Yes Xbox 360 content as I use this xD ) :
-First Strike

Below is a link where you can find all the current Call Of Duty – Black Ops achievements and how to complete them.
Overall I think it’s a game well worth trying and making your own opinions about, but based on my own experiences with it and many hours spent killing the newbie’s on it I think it’s a decent game, 8/10.

Game released - 9/10/2010

Available on:
-          Xbox 360
-          PS3
-          PC
-          Wii
-          Nintendo DS

Saturday 1 December 2012

Officially Christmas

Ok so seems we have hit December i am now calling it christmas, time to get decorations out and start panic shopping for gifts. Luckily i planned ahead and put up decorations sometime in November. Well enough of that lets move forward. Ironically i didn't think actually having a blog would make me want to write about stuff.. its a weird.

Today's topic can be games, yeah games what can go wrong with that =D, so i recently saw that angry birds released a star wars version, and as its angry birds i'm putting off actually getting it as that game annoys me to hell, i like to get the 3 stars and when i cant i do rage slightly. But i will put the rage aside and get it some point this week to review so you know just how cool it is, i mean on the advert they had light sabers  i challenge anyone to pick something cooler then light sabers to add into angry birds!

Also on that note i think that if / when i do reviews il just make them into a post of there own instead of bundling them into my random blogs about life, the universe and everything (42, just saying).
So watch this space as this will be the blog you are looking for. I'm hoping that my force powers work over the internet .... For now i leave you with this witty cat photo. No im not "one of those people" just amused me so i thought id share it with you.


Friday 30 November 2012

To New Beginnings!

Hi there Internet, as this is my very first post i doubt you have ever heard of me or care for that matter, but no worries!
I'm here to start fresh and just blog about me in general or things i think are interesting like:
- Games
- News
- Events
- Funny videos i randomly find or get sent =D

So you can expect all this and possibly more depending on what i find. I hope to post at least once a week till i actually find something half decent i can post about maybe a few times a week.

But for now lets get the ball rolling with something easy. So the inspiration to create my blog came from my housemates who are epic comic book and movie fans and have there own blogs that they post on (il add links at the end somewhere!), i figured id give it a go and here we are!

For now il plan to post on weekends unless i find something i think is deserving of being posted early etc, and to bring this to a close lets just discuss my week so far.

Started reading a graphic novel Morning Glories and i'm on the 3rd one now and i've got to say it has my hooked i want to know what happens to the characters next but i'm trying to pace myself otherwise i burn through reading material too fast, i have a bookcase full of books to prove that. Also played some WoW finally got my hunter to level 86 after working hard for a week to power level him from level 1 - it was at this time i wish i had looms, they would of been a great help xD, but my main game this week has been Halo 4, i finished the campaign on legendary and got all the individual mission achievements  after i get to level 50 online i think i might backtrack and try to fully complete the campaigns of ODST and Halo Wars just so that if any other halo games come out i don't have to worry about hidden content or such, like with halo 4 where the terminals from Halo 1 are being used.

And i think that's all for today really if you fancy a game on Halo 4 while i'm still playing it before christmas just drop me a message and il get back to you :D
